Tag: Creative
Remove HARSH Shadows & Highlights in Photoshop!
Learn How to Easily Remove Extreme Highlights and Harsh Shadows from Portraits in Photoshop!
7 WORST Logo Cliches To Avoid!!
What are some of the very worst logo design cliches you should aim to avoid in your workflow?
Designer Makes Cunning Logos By Consolidating Two Distinct...
The logo in each case is a visual representation of the brand name
Designer Makes Astute Typographic Logos Of Normal Words...
For example, the letter ‘a’ in the word ‘stairs’ is designed to look like a flight of stairs.
The "3-Point Curve" Formula to Exact-Match Colors! - Photoshop...
How To Accurately Match Colors Of Two Different Objects In An Image In Photoshop
10+ Amazing Images Before and After Photoshop
Editing images in Photoshop has now become incredibly popular.
Adobe Illustrator Recolor Artwork Sneak Preview | Adobe...
New Feature In Illustrator Can Extract Colors From An Image
This Guy Photoshops Himself Into Childhood Pics To Hang...
What would it be like to meet your childhood self?
Infographic Marketing: 10 Small Things That Can Make a Big...
Need some inspiration and tips for executing your own guestographics campaign?
100% FREE Illustrator Plugins [Isometric Plugin & More]
Do you want some AWESOME and FREE Illustrator plugins?
Logo design trends of 2021, are they USELESS, and should you ignore logo trends?