Social Dashboards

By admin
0 872
Sketch, Xd, Figma


48 Social Dashboard and Onboarding/Login UI Screens to help you design beautiful interfaces for your clients or for your personal projects.

The Sketch and Adobe XD files comes with Lato, which is a Google Free Web Font. This pack will allow you to create top-notch UX experiences in a matter of hours.. the price point is literally a steal for such an asset!

This UI Kit includes Symbols and Layer Styles, so that you will easily adjust and expand the UI Kit's colors, icons, typography and components !

Most components and groups are also responsive and resizable, so you can quickly and easily adapt these screens for your own custom artboards.

**Please note that the Adobe XD file and Figma file does not currently include symbols, layer styles and the responsive features. If you'd like them, please contact me.

**Available at this price only for the next 3 days**


  • 40 Screens

  • Google Material Icons

  • Lato (Google Free Web Font)

  • Organized Layers & Retina Ready

  • Clean and Minimal

  • For Sketch, Adobe XD & Figma

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