Master This Logo Design GAME CHANGER! ((Where Many Logos Fail))

Pitching logo designs to a client can be difficult or even daunting, todays video will show you some of the top tips and golden rules when you're pitching and selling your designs to a client.
I think that many logo design projects fail in the pitching phase of the process. This is where the designer must become a sales person, and express to the client why the logo will bring value to the business. That is the main reason why that client has hired a designer of course. So it's best to show how you add value to their company.
Also how we talk and present ourselves is hugely important too. Selling our designs in the latter stages when it comes to pitching is half the battle, the other half is of course designing the logo itself.
If you found todays logo design pitching video enjoyable or useful, let me know in the comments section and drop a like on your way out